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Showing posts from September, 2021

The path forward

  Dated Sept. 2021 Where do we go from here? It is a great question and one that must be asked then answered. Our political landscape is in dire need for remodel. The most recent events prove that the path we are on is not only unmanageable, it is catastrophic.  Every civilization fails. Every. Single. One. Does that mean that we must follow suit? Must we just properly manage the decline? Is it possible to turn all of this around? We most certainly can turn it around. Do we have the fortitude to do so? Will we have that fortitude? I cannot answer that question but we can lay out what is necessary and prudent to turn the tide.  To solve the problem, the answer is not complicated. To accept that answer and apply simple principles to correct the wrong, that is entirely different.  We have ancient answers to modern problems. There is nothing new under the sun, as is said in that great ancient Text.  Walk with me as we step through the answers. If we decide to actual...


Coerce : (2) to achieve by force or threat; //coerce compliance. Compel: (1) to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly; //the general was compelled to surrender.  Mandatory: (1) to require by law or rule We keep moving the goal posts. "Two weeks..." has turned into carrying a card to allow one to enter a business or travel to certain cities. Companies appear to be falling over themselves to mandate vaccination. Cities in our liberty loving country (*coughs*) have made laws and/or ordinances that require vaccination proof to even enter business there.  What are we doing? With natural immunity, plus 70% vaccination to date, haven't we just about covered everyone? Haven't we reached the saturation point to where we just have to let it run its course? COVID is terrible. Businesses choosing to require vaccination proof is there business, but the state or federal government doing so is just coercion and compulsion and is anti-liberty. Anyone else have a hard time seeing t...