Coerce : (2) to achieve by force or threat; //coerce compliance.
Compel: (1) to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly; //the general was compelled to surrender.
Mandatory: (1) to require by law or rule
We keep moving the goal posts. "Two weeks..." has turned into carrying a card to allow one to enter a business or travel to certain cities. Companies appear to be falling over themselves to mandate vaccination. Cities in our liberty loving country (*coughs*) have made laws and/or ordinances that require vaccination proof to even enter business there.
What are we doing? With natural immunity, plus 70% vaccination to date, haven't we just about covered everyone? Haven't we reached the saturation point to where we just have to let it run its course?
COVID is terrible. Businesses choosing to require vaccination proof is there business, but the state or federal government doing so is just coercion and compulsion and is anti-liberty. Anyone else have a hard time seeing this as justified when we see that goal line keeps being moved? I cannot force someone in California to take a vaccine. When the federal government makes moves, thats what we're doing; I am taking something of someone else or I am forcing something upon someone else. Force. Coerce. Compel. Mandatory.
By force, we make people take the vaccine when 70% are already vaccinated, and that was a number that was thrown around to say "we made it". We're there, right now. The virus is still spreading like wild fire. Folks are still going to the hospital. At what point do we stop trying to force people into doing something they are uncomfortable with and let this thing ride out?
Oh, I forgot. We like to force everyone to see things the way we see things. We don't limit that to influence and debate; we force people to agree with us.
Wake up. How this is being handled is purely political.
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