Have we?
Much of what has transpired in the last few weeks borders on absurd. We have: the Delta variant of COVID that is locking people's minds up, a government who spent countless lives, hours, and treasure on an Afghanistan government only to see it topple like a game of dominoes, conspiracy theorists saying Trump is part of Armageddon, and I'm sure I'm missing a few things.
COVID is real. The Delta variant is real. Our reaction to it? Have we lost our minds? Mandatory vaccines? Really? Is anyone looking at the real data instead of the talking heads?
Afghanistan was a mess from the beginning. Hey, Russia went broke fighting in that land. In my opinion, we never should have occupied it at all; so let's just leave it all for the bad guys oh and in the process leave Americans vulnerable in the region. Really? Have we lost our minds?
Trump. Y'all. Trump is not our savior. There's only one savior and His name is Christ. Please stop with the prophecy. Have we lost our minds?
Is anyone else feeling this way? I hope it is not just me.
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