Denial often causes an extended period of time before change or healing can occur. We have an issue in America with denial and we must speak openly of our problems if we are to heal.
We will discuss our first problem today: denying the undisputable evidence that we have a founding based upon Christian principles and ideals. While it is true that some founders may have been considered deists, the vast majority were, at the least, believers in the Christian God. Some were stronger in their faith than others. Jefferson, it seems, wanted the public to view him as a follower as he knew the deep roots of faith in our young country. Over and over again, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin and plenty more refer to the Creator or God that we know, that millenniums of people have known as the Holy One, our Father. This not to say that America was founded as a theocracy. Absolutely not. Madison himself said that, and I paraphrase here, "the state shouldn't infect the church." So much for our interpretation of "separation of church and state". The morals and guidelines found in our beloved Scripture can do nothing but help an individual, a community, and nation. We must admit that we are fighting against our founding and then embrace the spirit of our founding in a strong guiding principle of God and his will. This is not theocracy. It is an admission that God's divine will wants us to see him only as King, and then behave in matters of government and charity as He would have us do. God's people, and I don't mean those who call themselves God's for political expediency, have always done the most for their community and the world at large. This will never change as that is the duty of the church. Christ understands that not all will be submissive to his will, but to actively fight His will and to deny the obvious providence at hand will lead to ruin for any people; theocracy, democracy, constitutional Republic, it matters not.
Later we discuss more.
Please see the following for some "un-woke" historical and thoughtful views:
From Mark Hall:
Did America Have a Christian Founding?: Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth
From Dave Miller:
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