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Where Do We Start?

George Washington, Prayer at Valley Forge, National Archives, Engraving by John McRae from painting by Henry Brueckner

     Its been a while since I have posted, as I was at a loss for words. The following are some introductory thoughts on where we are wrong and how we can begin to get back to being who the pioneers of this country intended us to be. 

     It was God's design for man to be free. When I say free, I mean without earthly overlord. From the beginning, Abraham followed the law of the land but only faithful to God. As a matter of fact, so much was his great faith that the Hebrew writer states several times in chapter 11, " faith Abraham". Yes, it is my intention to directly tie faithfulness to God with freedom. That specific thought will be developed in later posts, but for now we see that Abraham really had no king but God.

     The Israelites had no king when they left Egypt. Yes, they had Moses, but Moses took his direction straight from God. The Israelites had no king when they marched for an additional 38 years in the wilderness. The Israelites had no king when they entered the land. In fact, the Israelites had no king until the people cried to be like the other nations. Imagine that, a chosen people, pioneers in the realm of serving God (as a group/nation/people) and they rejected their King for an earthly overlord. Did God allow it? Of course! He knew it was going to happen, as we see rules given to the Israelites for a king before they ever enter the land - see Deuteronomy. 

     The result of their rejection of God's Will for them was disastrous. From the first king the abuse of the people and a continual rejection of the Law from the leadership is evident. The old adage, "The people get the government they deserve" comes to mind. Having mercy, God anointed David. David was a man after God's own heart, yet he was still a king. A fleshly king that took their property and took their sons to war. After Solomon, the kingdom splits and immediately it is horrible for the northern tribes. It was never God's desire for mankind, especially His people, to suffer. 

     Fast forward to the Roman empire, finally, the King of kings is born. Salvation for all mankind, a gift from God, through the blood of Christ. Free from sin, free from the bondage of the Roman government. Oh, the Romans could and did still put Christians in shackles and martyred many, but the soul was free. Ah, the soul. Christ's kingdom was inside and outside the boundaries of the government, being exalted above all names, Him being seated at the right hand of God. Caesar did not stand a chance against Christ's kingdom-ultimate freedom. Caesar worship increased and Christ's kingdom increased. Paul even makes the point several times in Romans (Really, you should read Romans, just don't pick out the first seven verses in chapter 13 and stop). There is nothing above Christ. There is nothing above God.

     Two time frames with the same message: God is Supreme. Why my focus on this? I believe this to be the root of our problem here in America: we scream 'Give us a king' when we already have the King. Or, we should. It is God's desire for all men to repent and come to the knowledge of the truth. Our founders are rolling over in their graves, as the saying goes. They would really be ashamed of us politically and spiritually. "Thomas Jefferson was a spiritual mess, Tim! Don't give me that!" Yes, he was, but he was a political genius that couldn't stand the concept of having an overlord. Oh, they knew that some government was necessary, but this? Us treating politics like its a Duke/Carolina basketball game or an Alabama/Auburn football game? Arguing over how much we're going to expand the government? Really? Jefferson knew how much God and Christ meant to the people of this young country and went through great pains to appear like a fine Christian. Over and over, besides maybe a few, truly a few - less than a handful of founders, believed themselves to be Christian, acting and governing accordingly. 

     Where do we start? On our knees. The church in America needs to drop to its knees and repent of believing that any political office replaces God. We say we do not but our actions speak volumes that we do, just as bad as the Israelites. What of the rest of the citizenry, Tim? I know, not everyone believes. Guess what? They or you (if you be one) should drop to your knees as well and realize that there is this thing called obeying the will of God (it's a real thing and it's like ~6000 years old). If you do not want to obey it, then please, offer aid to those who do. Listen to them. Until your last breath, you can and should accept God's Will for you. At the least, accept that others have accepted and help build a better future-placing God above man.

May God bless you and your family.

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Updated 1/9/24 to improve grammar and spelling.


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