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Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in picture.

Communism is both a political ideology and a social and economic system that aims for the establishment of a classless, stateless society structured upon common ownership of the means of production. It seeks to eliminate the perceived inequalities and exploitation that occur within a capitalist system. The roots of communism can be traced back to various historical movements and intellectual thought, but it is most notably encapsulated in the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Communism, as envisioned by Marx and Engels, is predicated on several underlying principles:

Class Struggle - Communism posits that history is driven by class struggle—between those who own the means of production (the bourgeoisie) and those who do not (the proletariat). Communists aim to create a society in which class distinctions are abolished.

  1. Abolition of Private Property - Communists argue that private property in the means of production (factories, land, capital) leads to an unequal and exploitative society. They advocate for the means of production to be owned communally, by the workers.

  2. Common Ownership - All members of society would collectively own the resources and means of production, which is intended to prevent economic disparities and exploitation.

  3. Stateless and Classless Society - Ultimate communist society aims to have no classes and, as a result, no need for a state apparatus to enforce laws or ownership, as there would theoretically be no conflict over resources.

  4. Think Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, etc. Yes, those guys. Please, Google the number of deaths under their leadership.

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Historical Development

The ideas of communism significantly developed with the publication of "The Communist Manifesto" in 1848, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. This document laid out the goals of communism and the theory of historical materialism, which posits that economic relations structure all historical and social relations.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was the first significant attempt to put communist theory into practice on a large scale. Led by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Party, it resulted in the overthrow of the provisional government and the creation of the Soviet Union, which aimed to build a socialist state on the road to full communism. However, the implementation often diverged from Marx's original ideals, leading to a system that many argue was not truly communist but rather a form of state socialism or state capitalism. Looking through the glass of history involving other countries, it was a natural progression of communism, an inconvenient truth.

Communist States

Throughout the 20th century, various nations attempted to build societies based on communist principles. The most prominent of these include the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea, and several Eastern European states during the Cold War. Each of these nations interpreted and applied the principles of communism differently, leading to various outcomes and often significant deviations from the original Marxist doctrine. They did have one common theme: the oppression and starvation of their people.

Communism has faced extensive criticism and various challenges, deservedly, in its implementation:

  1. Economic Inefficiency: Critics claim that the lack of market signals and private ownership leads to inefficiency and poor resource allocation.

  2. Authoritarianism: Many communist states have ended up with authoritarian governments, with the centralization of power leading to abuses and extensive control over personal freedoms.

  3. Human Rights Violations: There have been numerous reports of human rights violations in communist states, including forced labor camps, political repression, and lack of freedom of speech.

Modern Relevance

With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the move by China toward a mixed economy over the last few decades, the number of countries pursuing classic Marxist communism has diminished. Nonetheless, the ideology remains influential in academic, political, and social contexts, and variations of socialist thought continue to inspire movements seeking more equitable economic systems worldwide.

In theory, communism represents an ideal in which all individuals contribute to and benefit equally from the collective production. In practice, however, attempts to create such societies have faced considerable difficulties and often resulted in outcomes that results in death to many. As a result of human failings, capitalism is far superior, although still flawed.

May God bless you and your family. We can fix our country!

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