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Quick Hits #1


Quick Hits!


Trump wins the Iowa caucus by nearly 30% points. DeSantis and Haley finished at 21% and 19%, respectively. Ramaswamy has dropped out and endorsed Trump. Next up is New Hampshire on January 23rd. 

Did any one find this to be a surprise? When my wife told me that Trump had won by a landslide, I responded' " I'm sure by 30% or more." Turns out, I was right. It did surprise me though that Haley came in second, but being only split by 2% points shows that, in my mind, we may see some very interesting things come from republican challengers in the next week. Ramaswamy showed great motivation and is a very intelligent person, obviously. His indorsement of Trump comes as no surprise as he pushed many Trump ideas and was a strong proponent of Trump during his own campaign until now. Ramaswamy is a reflection, in my mind, of a large segment of Americans who are fed up with feeling bad for something they had nothing to do with and the attempts at polarization of our society. At the root of all this, Trump stands up to the media and all those that wish to demonize a certain populace through main stream media and their sponsors. It is foolish to think that all Trump supporters are extremists, as Bidens recent ad claims. In my view, it was a poor choice for whoever runs Bidens ads. Most Trump voters are center-right, not extreme right.

    Haley's near second place finish still looks as though it will help in later primaries. The younger and generally more educated seem to support her more than DeSantis. Still, all she can do is vie for a Vice Presidency, unless something drastic happens. Since it appears that, at least in Pennsylvania, that a candidate can die days before an election, and still be elected, I'm not sure that even any drastic thing can change Trump getting the Republican nomination.


    U.S. Central Command has confirmed that a shipping vessel owned by an American company has been attacked in the Gulf of Aden. This is after the US-led strikes began against Houthi infrastructure in Yemen. Notice the word, after. This is the first US owned vessel to be attacked. No one was injured thankfully. Imagine that. We lob bombs at a group (who is evil, I'd say) without US life-defense provocation, and all of sudden, American assets are attacked when they were not previously. Hopefully, this should stop everyone and think for a bit. We have got to stop defending/protecting everyone - it destroys our own. Let those countries defend themselves. Look up Lebanon, too. Ask yourself, "really?".

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