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    When will the Democratic National Party realize that Joe Biden is unfit and will do nothing but harm, at a minimum his reputation and theirs, the government and the country? At what point does the DNC say to themselves, "Enough is Enough. We need someone else." At what point will his own administration reach out to (paid linkcongress  invoking the 25th Amendment? I'm sure the latter question will not be answered given the nearing election and the free-for-all that is currently allowed in the White House. Of course, we've spent the last couple hundred years ignoring the (paid linkConstitution.

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    We all have seen the gaffes over the last few years, but just within the last week, our President has had issue after issue. Certain things can and will be used out of context and in the political world, it is almost unceasing and some people are relentless. This is not what this is, once we admit the evidence is mounting almost as high as (paid linkMount Everest. Is the Democratic Party willing to climb that mountain, realizing that it may cost elections in the future? Have they no shame?

    White House Special Council, according to reporting in regard to the President's mishandling of classified documents, writes that the President couldn't remember key details, major details, about his life while Vice President - while Vice President! Does anyone think that this may matter? If our President were at home doing whatever he wishes when he wishes, it would matter, but not nearly as much as him being the leader of the free world? Internationally, from folks I know that travel outside the country,  people ask if we have become a banana republic. Truly, we are a laughing stock around the world with what has happened in our national politics the last few years. This has been my experience, this is what has been told to me, others may have different experiences. 

    Is now the time that the DNC realizes that Kennedy Jr may need to be contacted, if he hasn't been already? Most voters are not thrilled about Biden being the democratic candidate. Does this surprise anyone? Mean while, Kennedy sounds articulate, well-reasoned, and can appeal to the more center of voters. Apparently, the DNC does view Kennedy as a threat. They better view him as more than a threat. If Kennedy gets on ballots in key states, he will ensure a Biden loss and a Trump win. If he becomes the actual DNC candidate, Trump may be in trouble.

    Do you feel as though Biden is unfit? Send a message to the White House. Send a message to your Senators and your House Representatives

My fellow Americans, Biden is unfit. Something should be done - for the sake of morality for the man, and the sake of the security of our country.

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