For my first blog post, I suppose an introduction of myself is in order and my intent with this blog.
My name is Tim and I am a middle aged, middle class father of two and a Christian. My education level, officially, is some college; however, I am a firm believer in self-education and continuing education.
What I have seen in our political environment disturbs me and I will be using this blog to post my thoughts and express what I perceive to be a better path forward. My intent is to use topics and occurances that we experience today and apply historical perspective to these things in hopes of aiding in navigation of a better path. My thoughts are mine alone, but some reading may find common ground and through that we come to a consensus for a path forward. I will share stories, articles, and books that I find to be relevant to a better path forward.
Thank you for your time. Together and with reason, we can move toward a better path.
I’m looking forward to it, brother.