If I didn't lose you in the last post, you may be asking, "Now what?"
If you didn't catch the last post, you can find it here.
When we have repented, what is it that we need to do next?
Before we get off our knees, we need to open our eyes and look to the left and then to the right. Who is there with us?
There must be more than one of us. The truth of the matter is, no-one can change the world by themselves. Even the most genius among us need help. That stated, who is with us? It has been said, from various sources, there were only three percent of the population that supported or participated in the American Revolution. As far as I know, this has never been verified and I am not sure that it could ever be. There were influential and powerful people who gave nearly all or absolutely all they had for the cause. Now, I am not discussing war here, may it never be! The truth still stands: there must be people willing to give their all to change our current state of things. Seeing who is there on their knees will give us a great indication of a convicted mindset. It will take a convicted mindset.
The few must necessarily be willing to roll their sleeves up. This will be work. I am speaking of physical, emotional, and spiritual work. Reversing course when there is a headwind in the current direction is not for the faint of heart and will take sacrifice. People will look at us like we're crazy. People will speak of us like we are crazy. People will treat us like we are crazy. Guess what? To do the right thing is often thought to be crazy. Look, people thought Jesus was possessed and /or crazy. People thought the Apostles were drunk. We will look odd, but we must communicate the message and act on the message.
Our first action after returning to our feet is to look local. We must pay attention to the political decisions being made locally. Is there an embrace of freedom and limited government? Oh, I don't mean that the local politic view the federal government as over reaching and overbearing. No, what I mean is : are we making decisions locally that promote freedom in the individual and the community? What is the tax burden locally? How is the money spent locally? Are we constantly looking for more ways to spend more money locally? Remember, more money spent locally means more taxes locally. The government most involved in our day to day lives is the government closest to us. Are the laws overbearing? Are the laws over reaching? The idea is this: the same questions we ask of Mordor on the Potomac, we must ask of our local leaders.
Rand Paul (Senator - Kentucky) once stated, "I want government so small, I can barely feel it." He was referring to the federal government at that time. It has grown since then. I'm sorry Rand, but that 10 x 10 box on the Potomac River is ever growing. If our local government is small (it's not as small as people think, hence the reason for the preceding paragraph), our federal government should be ever more small. The state government should be somewhere in between the two.
John Adams (President and various rolls) once said, "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people." He wasn't wrong. The first step: get on our knees and repent. The second step: look at who will put in the work with us and look local. It will take a moral, religious, and pioneering people to correct the mess we're in.
May God bless you and your family.
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Did we have a Christian founding?
Updated 12/29/23 to correct Amazon links.
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