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Because History, Duh


The first flag being made, Illustration, National Archives

Repented? Looked locally for like minded people? Understand that money is directly tied to freedom?

     Good. Now, what do we know of history? Do we think that it doesn't matter? Is what we know from public school? Do we understand the old phrase "Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

     Does world history matter? Sure it does. Does American history matter? Absolutely. Does biblical history matter? Most assuredly. Why do I ask these questions? Many cultures and countries have risen in the course of history. Many of these have fallen - as a matter of fact, all have fallen. We have a tendency to feel as though America is bullet proof, not that pride is a sin or anything. I repeat, all empires have fallen. Yes, I said empires. We didn't start out as an empire, but we quickly turned to it - forcing subjects into our beliefs and desires. We are all guilty of this in some form. Our founders never intended for us to be an empire. They most certainly never intended to force our beliefs on another, very different people. "I wish they would just..." Gotcha. Yes, you've done it. You've believed it. Kicking doors down with weapons and screaming, "You'll be free no matter what you believe!" is absolutely forcing our beliefs on others.

     Did you know that the founding fathers, generally speaking, did not believe in a standing army? Why? It would spiral into tyranny. Why were the first ten amendments written? To limit federal government power, not state power. Taxes? Ha! They abhorred them. Religion? They were very religious people. Policing the world? To quote Thomas Jefferson, "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none." "That will not work, Tim!" Tell that to Switzerland. We cannot know and fully grasp the gravity of the situation until we fully grasp where we were and where we are now. We can only do that if we take the time to re-educate ourselves in things that we have forgotten and learn things we never knew. Self education is the best education. Benjamin Franklin would agree. 

     We have gone off track, far from the constitution. Our 2nd founding document (our first, here) was written with a moral people in mind (see earlier post). The amendments were written to gain additional support because some "smelled a rat". A federal reserve? Unconstitutional. Bailouts to companies? Unconstitutional. Bailouts to individuals? Unconstitutional. Taxation for roads? Unconstitutional. Taxes for education? Unconstitutional. I am speaking of federal involvement. All alphabet agencies, other than the CIA? Unconstitutional. Sending our brave men and women to fight without congressional authorization? You guessed it, unconstitutional.

     If we get our understanding of the constitution from Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, and even David Barton, we are wrong. I will tell of my awakening; I hope you will read further.

     Years ago, I listened to Sean Hannity on radio. I felt as though I needed to learn more and learn of our founding in the same manner that I learned and am learning of Scripture - I must read it all myself. I read the constitution all the way through. Immediately I felt as though some things that Hannity said didn't sound correct. I continued to listen. I read it again - and again. I found the ratification debates. Now, I found that nearly all that I heard from Hannity (I had to begin to listen Beck more and more) was almost wholly wrong. Why? Because they have to have ratings to make money. Pander to the crowd, the more money they throw at you. We want to believe what they are saying. I added some other radio shows to the mix and found Mike Church. He made more sense and then I heard Kevin Gutzman. Ding! What he was saying was matching what I was reading. Tom Woods, Brion McClanahan, Ron Paul (sound familiar?), Dave Benner, Milton Friedman, William Buckley, Murray Rothbard, Ludwig Von Mises - all are serious students of history and all try to tell the entire truth. They do not tell the truth you may want to hear - they tell the truth you need to hear

We must learn history. In most cases, we must re-learn history. 

May God bless you and your family.

Recommended reading:

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Kevin Gutzman

Dave Benner

Ron Paul

Brion McClanahan

Tom Woods

Like to travel? Charleston? Mt. Vernon?

Updated 1/9/24 to improve grammar and spelling.


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